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Mildmay Primary School

with a Resource Base for Deaf Children

“Growing, Caring and Learning Together”

Bridge Academy Trust Community Awards


We are very excited to be launching our Trust-wide Community Award program for 24.25!


Many children completed their Stage 1 and 2 of the award last year, enjoyed receiving their badges in Celebration assembly and have been proudly wearing them around school.  As we move into the third year of the award, children will be able to add to their collection and build their community award rainbow.

We would like to continue to encourage the children to promote and actively carry out our ‘Simple 6’ outside of school, in the home, the local area and in the wider community.

Here is a reminder of how the award is implemented.

Each year group has its own set of badges to allow for the award to follow the child through his/her school life. The badges are the colour of the Bridge Rainbow to inspire children to collect all the  colours as they move through the school. 

There are 2 stages to complete each academic year.

This term (Autumn) the children will need to focus on Stage 1.

Very soon, every child from Reception to Year 6, will be provided with a community award postcard on which you can record their activities towards their Stage 1 badge.


** If your child has completed a stage and you would like their name in the Community Awards Newsletter please hand everything in by the 9th December **

** You can complete and hand in Stage 1 of the Community Awards by the Spring Term**

Community Award Cards

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

