Curriculum Enrichment

At Mildmay Primary School we believe in the value of an enriched curriculum that goes beyond the expectations of the National Curriculum.
We feel it is important for children, no matter what their background, to try new and varied activities that enhance their experience at our school.
All children at Mildmay Primary School benefit from enrichment activities across each academic year. These opportunities allow children to look at a subject more deeply, explore and discover new interests, develop character, build resilience and improve motivation.
An enriched curriculum helps provide children with a rounded, culturally rich education through activities that enhance their learning and experience.
As indicated in our vision statement...
“Growing, caring and learning together; meeting challenges, making the most of opportunities and enjoying the journey.”
...we believe that school is about so much more than just learning how to read, write and do maths. We endeavour to provide our pupils with opportunities that they may not have exposure to in everyday life and to realise new passions, strengths and talents.
Providing an engaging and enriched curriculum in school is a necessary component for ensuring a well-rounded education and preparation for life.
From Year 1 upwards, 'Votes For Schools' is a part of every child's weekly curriculum. Each week the children discuss and debate a key question relating to their lives, current affairs or important issues. At the end of their session, each child can register a vote (Yes or No) in response to the question.
All the materials are prepared by professionals in an age appropriate manner, but do not shy away from a wide range of important conversations. Follow the link below to find out more.