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Mildmay Primary School

with a Resource Base for Deaf Children

“Growing, Caring and Learning Together”

Educational Visits and Visitors

At Mildmay Primary School we strongly believe in the power of educational visits in bringing learning to life and enhancing interest, enthusiasm and achievement for all children.   


Our visits aim for children to acquire an awareness of the world around them, an understanding of how life works and a language with which to explain it all.  Educational visits link closely to our classroom activity and our schemes of work and include visits to a variety of locations.  All year groups have at least two external visits each year.  Educational visits have included:

  • Chelmsford River Walk
  • Chelmer Park - Land Use Survey
  • Layer Marney Tower - Living History Days
  • Chelmsford Museum 
  • Galleywood Common - Habitats
  • Fieldwork Fortnight (Moulsham lodge shopping precinct)
  • Chelmsford Cathedral
  • E2V - Young Engineering Competition
  • Civic Theatre - Infant and Junior Music Festivals
  • Call of the Wild
  • Olympic Park Aquatic Centre

And many more...


Our Year 6 children have the opportunity to experience a residential visit.   The adventure of spending time away from home with friends provides boundless opportunities for children to develop skills such as collaboration, independence and resilience. 


Our school visits are further enhanced by inviting visitors to school to work with, inform and engage the children. Visitors to our school since our opening as a Primary School include;

  • National Sports Stars
  • Chelmsford Food Bank,
  • Essex Fire Service,
  • the Essex Road Safety Team,
  • Guide Dogs of the Blind,
  • All Things Alpaca
  • Essex Library Service,
  • Local Authors,
  • ‘Hastings’ the Therapy Dog,
  • Tile Kiln Church and
  • The Owl & Raptor Company to name but a few.

Often in conjunction with special events and theme days, we always seek to exploit opportunities to bring a child's learning to life and broaden their experiences.

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

