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Mildmay Primary School

with a Resource Base for Deaf Children

“Growing, Caring and Learning Together”

Our Enhanced Provision Offer

Our vision

Our vision starts with a picture: two girls in year six - one deaf and one hearing - communicating happily about their work, both about to embark on the next steps of their educational journey having had a happy and fulfilling primary experience …


... What if we created a mainstream school where our deaf children and their hearing peers learn together and communicate freely? A school where staff believe that all children have the right to high-quality teaching alongside their peers; a staff who understand and actively remove the barriers to learning faced by deaf children?

Mildmay Primary School’s Enhanced Provision for Deaf Children

Welcome to Mildmay Primary School’s Enhanced Provision for Deaf Children (RBDC).  There has been provision for deaf children at Mildmay for over four decades and we are proud of the foundations on which we continue to grow and evolve.  Building on the long-standing and well-regarded pre-existing provisions, the merge of Mildmay Infant and Junior schools in September 2022 gave us the opportunity to realise our whole-school vision.


In January 2024, following a period of research and work undertaken in collaboration with Bridge Academy Trust, we launched our newly defined Tiered Approach to High Quality Provision for Deaf Children in a Mainstream Primary School - an educational approach that believes in and advocates for inclusive and equitable learning for all.

At Mildmay Primary School we strive for an Ordinarily Available and better approach to quality education.  Underpinned by the ‘Code of Practice’, 2014 and ‘NDCS Quality Standards: Resource Provision for Deaf Children in Mainstream Schools’, 2020, our tiered approach is a whole school approach to academic, social, and emotional development for deaf children in which everyone knows and understands their role and responsibilities. 

In September 2023, as part of our whole-school vision for inclusive and equitable communication, we introduced our Mildmay Primary School BSL curriculum.  BSL is taught by class teachers in every phase of the school and staff and children have the confidence to use BSL in classrooms and on the playgrounds to communicate as a result.


As a school community, we are proud of our identity.  We are excited to be on this journey and to see where it takes the children of Mildmay - breaking down barriers, creating opportunities and nurturing the society of tomorrow.


We hope that you enjoy browsing our pages to find out more about our tiered approach.  If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


We look forward to meeting you.




Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

