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Mildmay Primary School

with a Resource Base for Deaf Children

“Growing, Caring and Learning Together”

Year 6

Year 6 - Thursday 4th July - General Election Closure Day

Home Learning:

  • Please read your reading book for 30mins - write a short summary, in no more than 5 sentences, of the story so far.
  • Please spend 30mins on TT rockstars and/or maths games online to practise your arithmetic/times tables fluency.


Find some local or online street art examples.

Respond in your own way from this. You could write a poem, a commentary, a song, a short story, or create your own art inspired from this. 









On-going year 6 homework (Friday 14th June - end of the year):

Please can all year 6 pupils practise/learn their lines and/or the song lyrics for our Year 6 Play on Tuesday 16th July.


It is so important that pupils know their lines so we can work on making our acting and delivery of these lines as fabulous as we can laugh


All the songs can be accessed via Spotify/YouTube/Amazon music.

Pupils have all been given scripts/lyrics. We will post copies of the songs/lyrics on here too.


Costumes: We do not want parents having to buy anything for the play. We will ask for everyday clothing/items from home, but anything beyond this, we will make in school.


Also, if any pupils/parents have any photos of the year 6 pupils when they were younger, we are putting together a PowerPoint for the end of the play, please email these directly to 

Homework set Fri 7th June: Due Friday 14th June

Homework set Fri 7th - Due Friday 14th June

Dear Parents,

We are sending year 6 pupils home with a set of 4 questionnaires to complete. Please can we ask pupils to interview people they know that live near Moulsham Lodge Shops/ near to our school. If this proves tricky, pupils can ask members of staff at our school who live in the local area.


Many Thanks

Year 6 Team 

Homework set Fri 3rd May: due Friday 10th May

Homework set: Fri 26th April - Due in Friday 3rd May

Homework set Fri 19th April: due in Fri 26th April

homework set Thursday 21st March: Due Thurs 28th March

NB: Homework is being set on Thursday this week, due next Thursday. This is due to the science workshops taking place next Friday!

Friday 8th March


Dear year 6 parents,

Instead of homework this week, we ask that pupils spend time looking through the practise SATS papers they completed last week with an adult at home. Along with the marked papers, all pupils should have the associated mark schemes. May we remind you that every year 6 pupil has been given a free online account to access a very effective revision tool for: reading, SPaG and maths:

At this point in the year, we were looking for pupils to achieve the following scores to be deemed “on track” to be at age-related (pass) by May 2024:

  • Reading: 25/50 ‘pass’ or for Greater Depth (GD): 38/50 [actual pass score:29 or GD:41]
  • SPaG: 31/70 ‘pass’ or for Greater Depth: 51/70 [actual pass score: 35 or GD 55]
  • Maths: 49/110 ‘pass’ or for Greater Depth: 91/110 [actual pass score: 58 or GD 96]

We were so impressed with how well the year 6 pupils conducted themselves throughout last week. We hope pupils found the week useful and that the experience has alleviated some worries or concerns they had about SATs week.

SATS week next year is WC Monday 13th May 2024.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Year 6 teachers.

Friday 9th Feb

No homework set this Friday. We have a four day week next week and we have lots of visits/visitors next week!



Homework set 2nd Feb: due Fri 9th Feb

Homework set Fri 26th March - Due Fri 2nd Feb

Homework set Fri 12th Jan due Fri 19th Jan

Y6 PARENTS SATS WORKSHOP WEDS 10th JAN 9am - below is posted for those who cannot make this

Homework set Fri 8th: due Fri 15th Dec

Friday 1st December 2023


The children worked hard on their assessments last week and we are sending them home.  You will find their completed, marked papers and the mark schemes to accompany them. We would like pupils to spend some time reviewing their answers (ideally with someone at home if possible please). Pupils have been given SATs Companion log ins. Homework time should be spent this week looking through the papers and working on the areas that the children have identified they could benefit from developing. We do not need the papers back.

Thank you for your on-going support.

Please see info below re: our SATs parents workshop in January.


Yr6 Parents: please be advised that the log in letters that were sent home are for pupils to use at home IF YOU SO WISH. The website is an effective revision tool that is FREE to use. There are video tutorials, lessons, quizzes and practise test questions for: reading, spelling, punctuation, grammar, maths (and even science). We use this to set activities and tasks in school - if we ever set tasks to do at home, we will state on this homework page. Thank you.


Please ask your child's teacher if you need a new letter/log in reminder.


NB: Weds 10th Jan 2024 9am- YR6 parent SATS workshop in the main hall. However, for those who cannot make this, we will be posting the PowerPoint with all the key/relevant information on this page of the website.




Homework set Fri 10th Novemeber - due Friday 17th November

For their healthy packed lunch ingredients (see homework sheet ABOVE) - please ensure none of the ingredients contain nuts (and of course, no chocolate bars, sweets or fizzy drinks please). 

Homework set 3rd November - due 10th Nov

No homework set over half term for year 6.


Please ensure high school applications are complete by 31st October 2023. If you cannot fill this in online, follow this link:

Secondary-Application-Form-2024.pdf (

Homework set 6th October - due 13th October

Homework set 29th September - due in 6th October

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

