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Mildmay Primary School

with a Resource Base for Deaf Children

“Growing, Caring and Learning Together”

Year 6

SATs useful information for parents 2025

If needed, please use (all pupils have accounts) to help with homework - there are free tutorials under 'lessons' and practice quizzes etc.

Any year 6's who feel they need to brush-up on their times tables knowledge - please log on to TTRockstars! 




HOME LEARNING - Friday 24th January

Please see below for some optional activities to complete at home during the day if needed. These do not have to be returned to school.

Many thanks, 

The year 6 team

Dear year 6 parents,


Please see below our overview sheet for year 6 homework. This explains everything we expect pupils to do - they have one week to complete the homework.


We will be handing out hard copies and folders for all pupils. We do expect all pupils to complete and hand their homework in on time - this will be the expectation at High School and we want to support pupils to be organised and responsible in readiness for year 7. 


We understand pupils have commitments outside of school, and life is busy - this is why we have given all pupils a whole week. If pupils are struggling, please encourage them to speak to their class or maths teacher. The maths and English tasks should take no longer than 15-20mins each. 


Many thanks for your support,


Year 6 teachers.

Homework set 9th Dec: Due 16th Dec (last homework of 2024!)

Homework set Mon 25th Nov - due Mon 2nd Dec (incl. letter to parents re: DT food project)

WC Mon 7th October - Due in Monday: 14th October

Homework WC 30th September

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

