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Mildmay Primary School

with a Resource Base for Deaf Children

“Growing, Caring and Learning Together”

Performance Opportunities

All children have the opportunity to perform each year, whether that is at the KS1 Harvest Festival or at our Christmas celebrations. Families and friends are invited to come and watch the children’s performances. 


Perhaps the biggest performance of the year is our Year 6 production. Every Year 6 child takes part in producing a full show that is performed during the day for families and friends.  


Our annual ‘Mildmay’s Got Talent’ show takes place for KS2. Children audition in front of their classes and year group to gain a place in the grand final; an auspicious occasion in front of proud parents and families and a panel of invited judges. 


Our school 'Sing and Sign Choir(s)' are extremely popular and all children from Years one to six are welcome to join. The choirs perform as part of Essex music festival at the Civic centre as well as performing at other events and whole school assemblies and at local venues (eg. Tile Kiln Church). The John Lewis Christmas shopping performance is always popular and this year the Upper School choir recorded several advent performances for City Sounds radio. 

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

