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Mildmay Primary School

with a Resource Base for Deaf Children

“Growing, Caring and Learning Together”

Uniform Information

Mildmay Primary School encourages the wearing of school uniform and it is hoped that all parents choosing to send their child to the school or nursery support this policy. In the interest of gender equality, all items and variations in uniform can be adopted by any child should they wish to wear them.


For sweatshirts, cardigans and polo-shirts our school logo/branded items are preferred and encouraged, however parents may source plain unbranded items in the correct uniform colours from high-street or supermarket outlets.

All school logo/branded items are available online from  or can be purchased directly from:

 ‘One Stop School Gear’, Unit 1 Beehive Business Centre, Beehive Lane, Chelmsford, CM2 9TA.

In most year groups PE uniform will be worn to school on specified days for your child throughout the year (to avoid unnecessary delay to lessons, excessive lost property and to allow for regular washing) except where changing and dressing are a desired learning outcome for the children to tackle and master.


For reasons of safety and a child’s health & wellbeing, Mildmay Primary School also require your child to have;

  • a suitable coat (especially in the winter months),
  • an appropriate bag for carrying reading books and other supplies to and from school,
  • a reusable and refillable water-bottle for personal use and
  • that long hair be tied back for appropriate tasks, activities and timings through the day.


Additional Uniform Guidance:


  • Children should not be wearing any make-up to school (other than when face-paint has been specifically agreed). Any child arriving with make-up on will be asked to remove it at the school office with a cleansing wipe. This expectation includes false-lashes or similar adornments.
  • Earrings CANNOT be worn for PE – if your child is unable to remove and replace their own earrings for PE they should not be worn on PE days. Children will not be able to participate in their lesson if they cannot remove their own earrings. No other jewellery should be brought or worn to school.
  • Leggings, joggers, ‘skins’ and shorts worn for PE should be plain and unbranded.
  • ALL shorts worn at school should be of a reasonable and appropriate length (at least mid-thigh) meaning that the current fashion trend for ‘hotpants’ style, tight shorts are NOT appropriate school wear.


ALL ITEMS of uniform and/or equipment should be clearly named so that they can be returned to your child if they are lost.

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

