A Day in the Life
Children are welcomed at the start of their session by the nursery teacher, they are then encouraged and supported by the nursery staff in putting their belongings on their named peg and lunch boxes/water bottles onto the trolley. Children then have the opportunity to explore a range of activities on the tables where they begin to interact with their peers. During children's interactions at the tables nursery staff will join them and discuss anything that the children have been up to at home, over the weekend or activities from that day.
Children then take part in a carpet time, led by a qualified teacher, where they have the opportunity to share any news or pictures (on 'Tapestry') from home and practise a maths or phonics skill.
Children have access to an indoor and outdoor area during their session in Little Robins and are encouraged to be independent in getting themselves appropriately dressed for the outdoor area, this may include coats, jumpers or wellington boots!
Children have a snack time all together where an option of either fruit or vegetable is offered to children and an option of milk or water. We discuss healthy food choices regularly in Little Robins Nursery.
Children have access to a range of resources to have out and use during their time in nursery, interacting with their peers and adults to explore and learn.