Year Five
Summer Term!
As we are writing this, we are coming to the end of Summer Term, and it's amazing to think of everything we have done this term.
As a school, we celebrated the King's Coronation by decorating crown biscuits, designing some bunting, singing and signing a song and coming into school dressed in our best red, white and blue.
This term we have worked closely with year 1, not just as reading mentors, but also helping them to play games like rounders. We have had lots of fun helping them, and they have helped us to become more patient and understanding.

Our first topic was learning about the Victorians and we had a Victorian School Day. It made us realise how much more engaging and fun our lessons today are - and how lucky our teachers aren't as strict as they used to be!
Our second topic was about Ancient Greece, and we had a day out at Layer Marney Tower to experience life in Ancient Greece. We learnt about the Olympics, Greek myths, food and what life was like in Greece.
We really have had a jam-packed, fun-filled year in Owl 5. Now we're ready for our next adventure!
Spring Term
With Christmas behind us and a new term in front, O5 have had yet another busy time.
Our first half term's topic was Survival. We had a zoom visit with Martin Grove, who is an explorer and has survived many disasters, including the 2004 Sri Lanka tsunami. He was really interesting and gave us a few hints on how to survive a night in the wild!
Our class book was Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. We loved this story and wrote our own endings for the story before reading the actual ending. A couple of us came up with the same idea as Morpurgo did! In the story, Kensuke talks about the artist Hokusai, and we had a go at recreating his painting The Great Wave.
Our second half term was all about Africa. We have learnt about the Apartheid through our class book, Journey to Jo'burg, and learning about Nelson Mandela.
The characters in our story came from a village with dirty water, so we had a go at using filtration to clean a jug of dirty water.
We celebrated World Book Day with various activities and by dressing as our favourite characters.
Another fun term had by all!
Autumn Term
Owl 5 have had a busy term. Our first topic was Earth and Space, and we visited the Gaia art exhibition at Chelmsford Cathedral. We had an online event where we learnt about junk in space and how it affects space exploration and travel.
We had a visit from the apprentices at Teledyne E2V Technologies, who told us about the equipment they make; some going into space. We had to make a space shuttle with certain materials we were given that would withstand heavy vibrations.
We also had a visit from Abbie Air and the Shed of Science who did a play for the children that taught us how we can keep our air clean.
Our second topic was The Vikings, and we had an exciting day experiencing being Danes living in an 8th century village. We spent the afternoon back in the 21st Century, being archaeologists, finding out what we can learn from artefacts.
What a great start to year 5!