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Mildmay Primary School

with a Resource Base for Deaf Children

“Growing, Caring and Learning Together”


Festive fun!

Christmas show


Superpower of Art

Obstacle Courses

Children in Need

Making barriers around puddles





Art Week


Easter cakes

Science Week

We made a sand timer.

We had a visit from Nathan the Scientist.

Spring walk

Looking for signs of Spring. Can you find any other signs of Spring?

Planting a bean (Jasper's Beanstalk)

World Book Day


We have been using five frames and ten frames. Thinking about odd and even numbers and finding one more and one less.

Shrove Tuesday - pancakes for snack

Chinese New Year

We enjoyed tasting Chinese food and doing some Chinese dancing as part of the Chinese New Year celebrations.  We made Chinese lanterns and dragon masks. We acted out the Chinese New Year story.

Children's Mental Health Week

A yoga session - promoting mental wellbeing.

Science - The Candy Cane Experiment

We watched how the candy canes changed in different liquids; hot water, cold water, oil and vinegar. We looked at which liquid dissolved the candy cane the quickest.

Going on a sleigh ride

We went on a sleigh ride to visit the workshop of Father Christmas, using the VR headsets.

Winter Walk

We looked for signs of winter on our winter walk....crispy, crunchy leaves, trees with no leaves, frost.  

We have been making clay hedgehogs

We rolled the clay into a ball, then we pinched the shape of a nose using our thumb and finger. We then pushed a pencil into the clay to show the eyes and cut up a straw to create the spines.

Number Hunt

We went on a maths hunt and had to find 1, 2, 3 or 4 objects and say how many objects.  This skill is called subitising and allows us to recognise how many objects are in a group without having to count them.


We have been learning about Space and Planets.  We made paper mache planets and then painted them.  Below are two of our fantastic planets.


We enjoyed riding the balance bikes around the cones, with a helmet on. We tried to move safely and stopping to avoid obstacles.

Coronation of King Charles III

It was fun decorating Coronation crown biscuits.

Science Week

During Science Week we had a 'Minibeast Encounter'. 

We also used our sense of smell to guess what was in the pots.

School Trip to Call of the Wild



We loved our first school trip. We learnt lots of information about different animals.


We added spots to our ladybirds. We counted the spots and recorded how many.

Autumn Term 2022


We have had a busy term and have been having fun learning inside and outside. We have made new friends.

It has been enjoyable learning new skills. We have explored using the programmable Beebots to move in different directions. We learnt how to use tools to create spikes on the hedgehog and mould clay into the shape of a pot using our thumb to make a hole.

Remembrance Day

We made beautiful poppies on Remembrance Day, using pipe cleaners, card and crepe paper.

Friendship Friday and Children in Need


We enjoyed wearing pyjamas and onesies to raise money and awareness for Children in Need. We talked about what makes a good friend as part of our learning during Friendship Week.

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

