Other Professionals
Speech and Language therapy is commissioned through Provide and formal BSL tuition is provided by Essex’s Physical and Sensory Impairment Teacher Service. We consider both speech and language therapists (SaLT) and our BSL tutor part of our extended team.
Specialist Speech and Language Therapists
Therapists work with children either one to one or as part of a group; liaise with QToDs and meet with parents as needed.
Hannah Goudge – works with resource base children who have an EHCP from reception to year six.
Ella Crook – works with children on an RB assessed place in Little Robins Nursery.
British Sign Language (BSL) Tutor
Helen Ellis comes into school every week to work with the children on developing their BSL receptive and expressive skills.
Some older children are working towards BSL Level 1 in preparation for secondary school.
Other Professionals
We work with a wider team of professionals, including:
- Teachers of the Deaf from the Essex PSISTS team
- Educational Psychologists
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- National Deaf CAMHS