Year Two
Spring term has been another busy one! We have done lots of lovely learning! We enjoyed the excitement of science week where we met alpacas, minibeasts and even owls! They flew over our heads!
In history we have been learning all about different explorers. In geography we have learnt about the continents and oceans. We can sing a song to help us remember!
What a busy term we have had in W2! We have learnt lots of new things and we have enjoyed our topic of 'London's burning'. Here are some of the things we have been doing.
In Science, we grew cress under different conditions. We found out that all seeds that had water grew. Even the container in the fridge that had water germinated!
In history, we have really enjoyed finding out about the Great Fire of London. We learnt about how the fire was put out and practised this on chalk houses using water squirters.
During Christmas time, we created snowmen using socks and rice. We really enjoyed making these. We added pompoms for buttons, a nose and a bobble for the hat. We used wool for a scarf and googly eyes.

We went on an Autumn walk and collected natural materials to create a piece of artwork based on Andy Goldsworthy.

In DT we learnt about stability. We used cylinder shapes to create a stable chair as this is what we decided was the strongest shape.
We used icing sugar to stick marshmallows together to make our marshmallow snowmen. We used a strawberry lace as the scarf and food colouring for the eyes nose and buttons.