Using watercolour paints to make a sunset
Coach Trip to Call of the Wild.
Making Easter Cakes - how yummy!
It's Science Week! Sneaky shadows, making a sand timer and Sublime Science - what fun we had!
Exploring toys from the past
World Book Day - Celebrating Books
Planting Beans (Like Jasper)
Shrove Tuesday - Pancake racing and pancakes for snack!
Celebrating Children's Mental Health Week
Looking for signs of Winter
We have been exploring technology!
The animals have been frozen in the ice - how can we release them?
Candy Cane Experiment - what dissolves a candy cane the quickest?
Hunting for Gonks around the school.
A Beautiful Day for an Autumn Walk
We are learning how to sign (using BSL signs)
We learnt the signs to our Harvest songs. This is how you sign 'Owl'.
Music Outside
The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch
We made sandwiches for Mr Grinling - the light housekeeper from ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ who had had his lunch stolen by the seagulls. We then decided to eat them for snack!🤪 We wrote instructions of how to make a sandwich and talked about healthy eating.
Building a boat!
We read the story Mr Gumpy's Outing, where he goes for a ride in his boat and is joined by many animals. It is a counting story - so we added up the characters as they joined the boat ride. Saying the mathematical sentences (e.g. 10 plus one more is 11). We then made a boat so we could act out the story; counting the characters each time. The children enjoyed using the available resources and were quite creative with their boats!
Beep Beep Day - learning about road safety.
Wednesday 26th April was National 'Beep Beep Day'. We found out how to be safe around traffic and when travelling in a car. We practised crossing the road and remembered to hold a grown up's hand. We also learnt the Road Safety Anthem - Stop, look, listen. think!
A Spring Walk - investigating our school environment
We enjoyed exploring the school environment and looked for signs of spring. We also listened for birds and looked for mini beasts under some logs.
School Trip to Call of the Wild Zoo
What an amazing time we had! The children enjoyed their first school trip. We met lots of animals and watched informative interactive talks. The weather was kind to us and we were even able to have a picnic outside! Lots of sleepy children (and staff) on the coach home.
Amazing Animals
Let it Snow!
How exciting to come to school after it had snowed! We had fun in the snow - making snowmen and snow angels. We then experimented with putting some dinosaurs in water and leaving them outside overnight.
Hello Yellow Day
The children enjoyed lots of activities which were designed to improve their well being and help them to begin to understand about the importance of understanding mental health. Some of the activities were - mindfulness yoga in P.E. and going on an Autumn walk to explore the natural world around us.
Building together
We used the den building equipment to make a boat. We discussed how we could make a mast and what would be best for the sail. Great teamwork!