Year One
Owl 1 have had a very busy first term in Year One.
In English our focus during the Autumn term has been on applying our rapidly improving phonic skills to write a series of sentences. We have been trying to remember that every sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop and to include those important finger spaces! We have been planning our own stories and then writing them.
Look at some of our fantastic story plans and writing. We are incredibly proud of the progress everyone has made.
In Maths we have been concentrating on recognising, ordering and comparing numbers to 20.
We can confidently use vocabulary such as greater than, less than and equal to, as well as the <, > and = symbols.
When learning how to add and subtract numbers to 20, we have learnt a variety of methods:
As a whole school we have supported Children in Need Day wearing our pjs, World Mental Health Day by wearing Yellow and odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week,