Year One
Spring term in Puffin 1
We have been working hard in Maths this term, finishing the term by learning all about mass. We used sets of scales to measure how many cubes classroom objects weighed:
We have been busy in art. We have learnt all about making paper sculptures. We started by rolling paper in different ways and then moved on to making some colourful paper pictures:
We then went on to make our final pieces. 3D paper sculptures called 'The tree of life':
In Science we have been learning all about animals including humans. We were lucky to celebrate Science week in School and got to meet some very exciting animals:
In Design and Technology we learnt about wheels and axels. We finished our learning by making some cars with wheels, axel holders and axels. We were so impressed that they were all able to whizz across the classroom!
We are really excited for the Summer term in Year 1!