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Mildmay Primary School

with a Resource Base for Deaf Children

“Growing, Caring and Learning Together”

Year Five

Spring Term

We have had another busy term in W5 with lots of learning and experiences to add to our. Our main topics over the term were Survival and Africa. 

In Art, we looked at the artist Hokusai and one of his most well know paintings, The Great Wave. We created our own versions using a range of water paint techniques. Here are some of our final outcomes. 

In PE, we were focussing on gymnastics and looking at counter balances and counter tension in partners. Here are some of our balances. 

In Science we were learning about living things and their habitats which led us to study the Naturalist, David Attenborough. We created our own factual posters about facts that we learnt about him and here are some of our finished articles. 

As a school, we were also lucky enough to have Alpacas, owls and minibeasts during science week. We had many opportunities to spend time with, hold and learn new facts about the habitats of these animals and how they survive. 

For our African art, we looked at African masks and why they are a huge part in African life. We used bold colours, geometric shapes and symmetrical patterns to create our own masks using oil pastels and chalk. 

After making these African masks, we worked in groups to make ones using paper mache and paint. These were our final pieces. 

We dressed up and took part in World Book Day. Can you work out which characters we came into school as? 

Autumn Term

We have had a great start to Year 5 in W5 and have covered lots of new learning within our Topics of Space and Vikings. We have been very fortunate to have companies in and days out and you can see some of the things that we have been up to below! 

We have had E2V company in to learn all about their company and we worked in groups to make our own rockets that would withstand a certain level of vibration. 


We had a Theatre company come in and perform a show called 'Abbie Ayre and the shed of science' which taught us all about what we can do to keep our air clean. It was great fun to watch! 

We ventured out to Chelmsford Cathedral where we got to see the Gaia art work which allowed us to feel like we were in Space, seeing Earth from a distance. 

We took part in Viking Day where we carried out lots of different Viking activities and got the chance to experience the day in a life of a Viking. 

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

